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Prof. Dr. Jair Barboza. Postdoc at Universität Hamburg and Universität Frankfurt as researcher of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. PhD in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo with thesis on the concept of nature and art in Schelling and Schopenhauer. He was professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in Curitiba and the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis. Thematic preferences: aesthetics and ethics. Authors: Kant, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Machado de Assis. He translated classic texts of philosophy from German to Portuguese as the full version of Schopenhauer’s masterpiece Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (volumes I and II, São Paulo: Ed. Unesp) and Kant’s Versuch den Begriff der negativen Größen in die Weltweisheit einzuführen (with Vinicius de Figueiredo, São Paulo: Ed. Unesp).

Prof. Dr. Paulo de Brito. Doutor em Direito (Universidade de Bristol, UK); Mestre em Relações Internacionais (Universidade Portucalense); Licenciado em Administração e Gestão de Empresas (Helsinki School of Economics); Licenciado em Direito (Universidade Católica Portuguesa).​ Diretor do 1.º Ciclo de Estudos em Direito da Universidade Lusófona do Porto; Professor da Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política da Universidade Lusófona do Porto; Juiz de Paz fundador e coordenador dos Julgados de Paz de Gaia (2002) e Porto (2004); Técnico superior de 1.ª classe da Direção Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais do Ministério da Justiça, em licença sem vencimento. Publicações: “Julgados de Paz: resposta da contemporaneidade à crise da justiça (2)” in O estado da justiça (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2016), pp. 109-119;“Jusnaturalismo e positivismo jurídico: algumas reflexões” in Para Jorge Leite, Escritos Jurídicos (Coimbra Editora, 2014), pp. 59-78; “Breves Reflexões sobre Justiça Pública e Liberdade Privada” in Temas contemporâneos de Direito: Brasil e Portugal, (Minas Gerais: Editora Arraes, 2013), pp. 73‑81; “Sobre a importância de construir uma teoria do Direito Internacional em face do nacionalismo” in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da ULP, n.º 2, 2013, pp. 15‑23, on line;  “A Mediação nos Julgados de Paz portugueses”, in Lusíada, série II, n.º 4-5 (2007), Universidade Lusíada Editora; “Towards a natural law theory of international law” (2007) in Journal of Philosophy of International Law (; “Julgados de Paz: resposta da contemporaneidade à crise da justiça” in Colectânea de Legislação sobre Julgados de Paz, Algumas reflexões (Coimbra Editora, 2006), pp. 235-242; “Para uma teoria jusnaturalista do Direito Internacional” in Direito Natural, Justiça e Política (Coimbra Editora, 2005), pp. 279-293.

Prof. Dr. Pedro Calafate é Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Foi professor convidado na Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na Universidade do Porto, na Universidade do Minho e na Universidade de Viena. Trabalha na área do pensamento português e pensamento iberoamericano. Nos últimos anos tem coordenado vários projetos de investigação (CFUL/FCT) sobre A Escola Ibérica da Paz e a ideia de justiça na construção dos impérios ibéricos do renascimento (2012-2017). Foi um dos diretores e coordenadores da edição das Obras do Padre António Vieira (Lisboa/São Paulo, ed. Círculo de Leitores/Loyola, 2012-2017). Dirigiu a elaboração e publicação da História do Pensamento Filosófico Português (Lisboa, Caminho, Ed. 1999-2004). Entre as suas últimas publicações destacam-se: Escuela Ibérica de la Paz: la Conciencia Crítica de la Conquista e Colonización de América (Santander, Ed. Universidad Cantabria, 2014); Escola Ibérica da Paz nas Universidades de Coimbra e Évora (Lisboa, Almedina, 2015, vols. I e II); Portugal como Problema (Fundação Luso Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Lisboa, 2006). 


Dr. Romy Castro. Investigadora do CECL/cicdigitalpolofcsh da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, com um Projeto de Investigação em curso para Pós-DOC.

Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação, com a Especialidade em Comunicação e Artes, pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Estudos de Doutoramento em Pintura, pela Facultad Complutense de Bellas Artes de Madrid.

Mestrado em Estética e Filosofia da Arte, com a vertente Fenomenológica Hermenêutica, pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.

Curso de Arte e Teoria/ Escola de Formação artística Avançada de Lisboa.

Selecionada para os Talleres de Arte Actual do Circulo de Bellas-Artes de Madrid, onde trabalha com Jose Guerrero.

Selecionada para os Talleres de Arte Actual do Circulo de Bellas-Artes de Madrid, onde trabalha com Jose Luís Alexanco.

Licenciatura em Artes-Plásticas - sección Pintura, pela Facultad Complutense de Bellas Artes de Madrid.

Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas pela Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa.

Intervindo em diversas áreas de investigação científico/artísticas tem realizado inúmeras exposições individuais e coletivas no âmbito da Pintura, Instalação e Design, nacional e internacionalmente, bem como efetuado trabalhos experimentais em cinema. Participa em múltiplas conferências com ensaios em Estética, Filosofia da Arte, Fenomenologia, Ciências da Comunicação, entre outros. Tem igualmente publicado inúmeros artigos em revistas da especialidade a nível nacional e internacional.

Prof. Dr. Carlos João Correia é Professor Associado da Universidade de Lisboa, onde tem leccionado nas áreas de Filosofia da Arte e da Antropologia. É autor ou editor de vinte e um livros, entre os quais se destacam o "Sentimento de Si e Identidade Pessoal", "Mitos e Narrativas", "A Religião e o Sentido da Vida. Paradigmas culturais" e "Ricoeur e a Expressão Simbólica do Sentido". Autor de mais de cem artigos e capítulos em obras científicas. Membro do "College Mind-Brain" da Universidade de Lisboa e Presidente da Associação cultural e filosófica, "O que é?".

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Demetrio Crespo. Born in Solothurn (Switzerland) on August 28, 1970. He was granted his LLB (1993) and PhD (1997) at the University of Salamanca. Since 2011, he is a Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, where he was the vice-dean for legal studies (2003-2004). He has participated as a speaker delivering scientific lectures in international conferences and he has been a Visiting Fellow in Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy. He was a Visiting Research Scholar (Spain Government-funded PhD Scholarship) at University of Cologne (1994-1995), Research Scholar at the Ludwig-Maximiliams-University Munich (2004), Humboldt Foundation Research Fellow at University of Cologne (2005-2006), Max Planck Research Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg im Breisgau (2008), Visiting Research Scholar at University of Cambridge (2009, 2012), working as the principal investigator of a Spain Government-funded project entitled “Neuroscience and Criminal Law: a new approach to culpability”, HWK Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst (2010), Visiting Academic at University of Kiel (2013) and Visiting Research Scholar (Spain Government-funded Senior Research Scholarship) at European University Institute in Florence (2016). He is an associate member of several Spanish and International Scientific Committees and member of the Institute of European and International Criminal Law at University of Castilla-La Mancha and of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Security at Autonomous University of Madrid. He is the Director of the Postgraduate Course on “Economic and Corporate Criminal Law” at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and of the legal database entitled “Biblioteca Básica de Derecho Penal y Ciencias Penales”, which is published by Iustel. Research Abstract 

His main research interests are general principles of Criminal Law, Philosophy of Criminal Law, Criminal Law policy and Corporate crime. He is currently working on interdisciplinary research between Neuroscience and Criminal Law. He has written about forty articles and several monographs, such as Prevención general e individualización judicial de la pena (1999; 2. Ed., 2016), La tentativa en la autoría mediata y en la actio libera in causa (2003), Culpabilidad y fines de la pena (2008), “Responsabilidad penal por omisión del empresario” (2009; 2. Ed., 2017) and Fragmentos sobre Neurociencias y Derecho penal (2017). He is one of the authors and the coordinator of the Handbooks entitled “Lecciones y materiales para el estudio del Derecho penal. Tomo II. Teoría del delito” (2. Ed., 2015) and “Curso de Derecho penal. Parte General” (3. Ed., 2016). He has also edited several books, such as Cuestiones actuales de Derecho penal económico (2008); Terrorismo y Estado de Derecho (2010); Cuestiones actuales de Derecho penal empresarial (2010), El Derecho penal económico y empresarial ante los desafíos de la sociedad mundial del riesgo (2010), Neurociencias y Derecho penal (2013), Crisis financiera y Derecho penal económico (2014), Legalidad y defensa. Garantías constitucionales del Derecho y la Justicia penal (2015) and Halcones y Palomas: corrupción y delincuencia económica (2015). He has also translated several articles from German to Spanish.

Prof. Dr. Cristina Hermida Del Llano es Profesora Titular de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos desde 2004.

Jean Monnet Chair, grado concedido por la Comisión Europea. Experta en integración, justicia racial y derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea.

Presidenta de la Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico. Directora de la Revista de Pensamiento Filosófico Español e Iberoamericano.

Miembro de la a UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights (2017-2020). ONU.

Académica Correspondiente de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Madrid desde 2006.

Becaria Humboldt (1998-2000).

Ha colaborado en la impartición de seminarios, conferencias, masters de numerosas universidades tanto españolas como extranjeras (Estados Unidos, Alemania, Francia, Austria, Italia, Reino Unido, Holanda, Ucrania, Polonia, Rumanía, Chile, Perú, Cuba, Taiwan y México).

Ha participado en numerosos Proyectos de I+D financiados en Convocatorias públicas (nacionales y/o internacionales), también como investigadora responsable.

Ha realizado una decena de estancias de investigación en Centros extranjeros, entre los que destacan, la Universidad Libre de Berlín, Universidad Humboldt de Berlín y Georgetown University Law Center.

Es autora de los libros: José Luis López Aranguren (1909-1996); Aranguren. Estudio sobre su vida, obra y pensamiento; Filosofía del Derecho y del Estado. De Sócrates a Séneca (1999), en calidad de coautora junto al Prof. Dr. Klaus Adomeit; Los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea (2005); asimismo, ha publicado muchos capítulos de libros y artículos sobre pensamiento español en el siglo XX, sobre filosofía jurídico-política y de Derecho de la Unión Europea. De ellos cabría de destacar el volumen Racial Justice, Policies and Court’s Legal Reasoning in Europe, coeditado con María Elósegui y publicado en Springer (2017). Asimismo, tiene en prensa una monografía titulada El declive de los mitos de legitimación en la mutilación genital femenina.

Mantiene sus líneas de investigación colaborando activamente con diversas universidades del ámbito nacional y extranjeras, entre otras, de Estados Unidos, Alemania, Austria, Inglaterra, Italia, Bélgica, Holanda, Ucrania, Polonia, Rumanía, Chile, Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Cuba, México y Taiwán.

Entre otros méritos, habría que destacar que el 19 de septiembre de 2011 obtuvo una condecoración austriaca: la Insignia de Honor en Oro al mérito por la República de Austria (denominación internacional: Cruz de Caballero Iª clase). Goldene Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich, concedida por el Presidente de la República de Austria, Fischer; en 2012 logró el Diploma Gratitude for the substantial personal contribution to the educational and scientific sphere development, support for initiatives, active facilitation of Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, positive image in the international educational environment and on the occasion of the 17-th anniversary of the University establishment. Asimismo ha disfrutado en 2013 de una beca otorgada por el National Science Council of Taiwan para realizar tareas docentes e investigadoras en National University of Taipei (College of Law. The Center for Criminal Law Studies).

Prof. Dr. Damien Ehrhardt earned his PhD degree at the Paris-Sorbonne University (1997) and his habilitation degree at the University of Strasbourg (2004). He is currently tenured associate professor at the University Paris-Saclay in Evry, where he is responsible for the research axe “Mélanges Interculturels” at the laboratory SLAM (Synergie Langues Arts Musique).  His research is concerning musicology (history, theory, and aesthetics of 19th and 20th Century Music, performance practice...) and cultural studies (cultural transfer, interculturality, cultural areas...). He is, inter allia, co-editor of the volume of the New Edition of the Complete Works of Robert Schumann devoted to the Symphonic Etudes op. 13 and the Concerto without orchestra op. 14. 

He commited himself for the cultural life of the University of Evry as manager of the cultural project (2008-10) and vice-president for culture (2012-15). He was also co-animator of the working group ‘School of Humanities’ of the University of Paris Saclay (2014-16).  DAAD (Saarland University, 1991-92) and Alexander-von-Humboldt scholar (University of Regensburg, University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar and Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 1999-2001), he is founding president of the Association Humboldt France and winner of the Award of Franco-German friendship. He (co)organized many Humboldt Kollegs, especially with Soraya Nour, on very different topics like emotions, fascinating planet, unity in diversity or uncertainty.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. habil. Bernhard Jakl is currently senior lecturer (Akadem. Oberrat) at the Faculty of Law at the University of Muenster, Germany. From 2013 to 2015 he was Adjunct Professor (Entlastungsprofessor) for Civil Law at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He studied philosophy, law and history at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University  Munich (Dr. phil. 2006; Second State Examination in Law 2007; Habilitation in Philosophy 2012). Between 2006 and 2013 he was assistant professor (Akadem. Rat) at the chair for Civil Law, Philosophy of Law and Medical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Muenster (Habilitation in Civil Law, Medical Law, European Private Law, Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law 2017). He specialises in the interdisciplinary research between philosophy and jurisprudence. He has published widely on Civil Law, Fundamental Rights and German Idealism.

Prof. Dr. Alexei N. Krouglov studierte Philosophie und Geschichte an der Moskauer Lomonosov-Universität, Tverer Staatlichen Universität, Institut für Philosophie der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Katholischen Universität Eichstätt, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und promovierte im Jahre 1999. Er war Stipendiat des DAAD und der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung sowie DAAD-Gastprofessor an der Universität Trier, Gastprofessor an der Universität Luxembourg und der Baltischen Föderalen Kant-Universität in Kaliningrad. Nach der Habilitation im Jahre 2005 ist er Professor an der Russische Staatliche Universität für Geisteswissenschaften in Moskau. Zu seinen Schwerpunkten gehören Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung, Philosophie Kants, russische Philosophie und philosophische Fragen der Literatur.

Prof. Dr. Anabela Costa Leão is currently Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law-University of Porto (FDUP) and researcher at CIJE – Centro de Investigação Jurídico-Económica (FDUP).  She graduated in Law in 2000 from FDUP and received her PhD in Law (Public Law) in 2014 from Faculty of Law - New University of Lisbon with a thesis on “Constitution and Interculturality”. Besides her teaching activity in the Law Degree and Master Courses at FDUP, her academic experience also comprises lectures in master and post-graduation courses in several other institutions. Her present research interests are Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, Political Science and Political Philosophy, with special focus on questions raised by cultural and religious diversity and immigrant rights. She has published, alone or in co-authorship (publications list available at, organized scientific events and delivered lectures in the abovementioned fields.


Dr. Gualtiero Lorini received his PhD in 2010 from both the Universities Paris-IV Sorbonne, and Salento (Lecce, Italy). His PhD dissertation approached the concept of ontology in Kant’s Lectures on Metaphysics. He was visiting researcher at the Thomas-Institut, Universitat zu Köln (2008-2009) and research fellow at the Herzog-August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (2009, 2013). He was DAAD-Post-Doc-Fellow at the Technische Universität Berlin (2013), and research fellow at the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (2013-2016). Since November 2016, he is an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Technische Universität Berlin. He is member of the Kant-Gesellschaft, the North American Kant Society, the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani, and of the Société d’Etudes Kantiennes de Langue Française. His research interests concern Classical German Philosophy, Aetas Kantiana, Modern Philosophy, Quellengeschichte,  Aufklärung, History of Metaphysics, and the interaction between Kantianism, Phenomenology and “Interpretationsphilosophie”.

Prof. Dr. João Carlos Simões Gonçalves Loureiro (15/09/1962), Associate Professor;  Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR), Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra. Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität (Freiburg, Germany), from October 1996 to September 1997; July/August 1999; MPI Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik, Munich (October/November 2012). He teaches Constitutional Law and Social Security Law at Coimbra University.

Dr. Jan-Christoph Marschelke studied law at the Universities of Passau and Wuerzburg focussing on legal philospophy, theory and sociology. He wrote a thesis on "Jeremy Bentham - Philosophie und Recht" (2009). From 2009 until the end of 2013 he managed the multidisciplinary project "Global Systems and Intercultural Competence" at the University of Wuerzburg and shifted his research focus to (inter-)cultural theory and sociology. Since 2014 he manages the Institute for the Study of Culture and Collectivity at the University of Regensburg and writes his post-doctorate thesis on collective actors and the nexus of culture and collectivity. 

Dr. Soraya Nour Sckell is Investigator-Coordinator at the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (programm supported by the Foundation of Science and Technology - FCT) and director of the research program on cosmopolitanism at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. She has obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the University Paris Nanterre and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (thesis in cotutela, 2012) and a PhD in Law from the University of Sao Paulo (1999). She has done post-doc research at the Universities of Saint Louis (SLU), Nanterre, Frankfurt a.M. and Berlin (Humboldt University) and taught at the Universities of Sao Paulo, Munich, Metz, Lille, and Lisbon, as well as at the University Portucalense. She is the vice-president of the Association Humboldt France and received the German-French Friendship Prize 

João Pinheiro is a Master's student in Philosophy and a member of the Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon with research interests in the evolution of cognition, Philosophy of Science, and Cosmopolitanism [].


Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Quý Đạo is Emeritus Research Director of the French CNRS and Honorary Professor of CentraleSupelec University. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris, he is also a Doctor of Science in Physics of the University of Pierre and Marie Curie of Paris.

His research fields are concerned with Applied physics, in particular studies on the Physico-chemical properties of solids by X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy.

He led several international scientific cooperation projects with Germany, Great Britain, and Vietnam.

Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Paiva. Present Position: Professor of Ecology, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon. Academic Degrees: DIC, PhD, Imperial College, University of London, UK. “Habilitation”, New University of Lisbon, PT. Research: Ecology, Chemical ecology and bio-technological pest management. Habitat and biodiversity management, integrated protection of agricultural and forest cultures. Gender mainstreaming in science. Some Fellowships and Grants: A. v. Humboldt Foundation, DE; Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, PT; DAAD, DE; Volkswagenwerk Stiftung, DE; Ministery of Industry and Technology, Australia; FAO, UN; Luso-American Foundation, PT/USA; EU – DG Research, Brussels. Post-Doc Appointments / Missions (duration over 1 year each): University of Chapingo, Mexico; University of Freiburg, DE; Federal University of Paraná, Brazil; CSIRO, Canberra, AU; University of Hannover, DE; Imperial College, UK; Life Sciences and Natural Resources University (BOKU), Vienna, AT. Consultancy / Expertise: At international level for industry, governmental bodies, foundations and universities. Collaboration with the European Environment Agency, DK. Expert evaluator for the European Commission, DG Research, areas of Environment, Forestry, Human Potential, Infrastructures, Strategic Research Policy. European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), delegate of Portugal [2007 – 2011]. Reviewer of ISI journals and other international publications, e.g. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Review Assessments (2001, 2007). Member of the Editorial Board of Agr. For. Ent (Royal Soc. Journal). Scientific Associations: Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES), UK; Founding Member: European Ecological Federation (EEF), Europe: First Vice-President; Balkan Academy of Science and Culture, Bulgaria; Portuguese Entomological Society (SPEN); Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO); Humboldt Club Portugal (CHP); Portuguese Association of Women in Science (AMONET). Honorary Member: Chinese Entomological Society, Beijing; Mexican Society of Biological Control, Mexico. Invited talks and individual conferences: Over 100 worldwide. Publications: Over 100.

Dr. Nuno Miguel Proença is a post-doctoral researcher at the NOVA University of Lisboa. He studied philosophy and the humanities in Paris, where he wrote a PhD dissertation on the philosophy of psychoanalysis (Qu'est-ce que l'objectivation en psychanalyse?, L'Harmattan, 2008). To this day, he is also the author of a novel (Imitação das Horas, Palimage, 2005), of several articles and of two dozens of book chapters on some relations between phenomenology, metaphysics and psychotherapies. He paints and learns music as an auto-didact ( 

PhD, Dr. Hab., Igor Reva (IR), is currently Principal researcher ( at the Coimbra Chemistry Centre (CCC), hosted at the Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal.

 Igor Reva graduated, with distinction, from the Kharkov State University (Ukraine), faculty of Radiophysics, speciality Biophysics (1982). IR was granted PhD degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1995), specialities "Thermophysics and Molecular Physics" and "Biophysics", at the Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine. IR was granted PhD degree in Chemistry (2006), at UC, Coimbra, Portugal. The Habilitation degree in Chemistry (2010) was conferred on Igor Reva by University of Coimbra, speciality "Molecular Spectroscopy".

 In 1997-1998, Igor Reva was Humboldt Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radiation Chemistry, Muelheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany; and Max-Planck Research Scholar (1999) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany; and NATO Research Fellow (2000) at the Department of Chemistry, UC, Portugal. Since 2000, IR has been working at CCC / UC, as FCT post-doctoral fellow, then researcher of the program Science-2007, and currently as “Investigador FCT”.

 As of October 2017, IR is co-author of 3 book chapters and +130 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, with +3000 citations (ISI Web of Science h-index 32). Based on the scientific output, IR was twice “Researcher of the Year” in the renown Department of Chemistry at UC. IR participated in 14 competitively funded FCT projects, in three of them as the principal investigator.

International record of IR includes many research stays abroad (7 EU countries + USA). Reciprocally, IR hosted over 20 foreign visitors plus as many Portuguese users at the Coimbra Laser Lab (CLL). CLL ( is established at UC, supported by FCT, and is part of LaserLab Europe (, the integrated initiative of European laser research infrastructures. CLL offers access to its labs for European researchers. As a senior CLL researcher, IR provided scientific and technical training for several dozens of users, and imparted his experience during their access to state-of-the-art shared research facilities.

Research interests of Igor Reva are focused on studies of molecular structure, conformational dynamics, tautomerism, vibrational properties, photochemistry of biological and photochromic molecules, molecular switches, reactive intermediates and systems with open electronic shells (tetrazoles, isoxazoles, azides, nitrenes, carbenes, azirines, diazirines, nitrile-imines, nitrile-ylides), molecular systems of biological importance (aminoacids, nucleic acid bases, in particular - cytosines), molecular systems relevant to atmospheric chemistry (terpenes, hydrofluorocarbons), prebiotic chemistry and chemistry of the interstellar medium (kinetically unstable molecules, such as vinylalcohols, vinylamines, and their isomers).

Prof. Dr. Olivier Remaud is a research professor (directeur d’études) and the holder of the chair « History and Theory of Cosmopolitanisms » at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) in Paris. His publications include: Reading the Earth (Leiden, Brill, 2018, forthcoming), with Markus Messling; Solitude volontaire (Paris, Albin Michel, 2017); Un monde étrange. Pour une autre approche du cosmopolitisme (Paris, PUF, 2015); the co-edited Faire des sciences sociales, Paris, EHESS Press, 2012 (3 vols.); War and Peace. The Role of Science and Art (Berlin-New York, Duncker & Humblot, 2010), with Soraya Nour; Civilisations. Retour sur les mots et les idées (RdS, Paris, Springer, 2008), with Chryssanthi Avlami; L'épreuve de la nouveauté (Laboratoire italien, Lyon, ENS-LSH Press, 2005), with Marie Gaille-Nikodimov & Pierre Girard; Les Archives de l’humanité. Essai sur la philosophie de Vico (Paris, Seuil, 2004); Recherches sur la pensée de Vico (Paris, Ellipses, 2002), avec Pierre Girard; the co-edited La Boétie. Le Discours sur la servitude volontaire (Paris, Vrin, 2002); Michelet. La Magistrature de l’histoire (Paris, Michalon, 1998). His research has also been recognized by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation.

Prof. Dr. Juvenal Savian Filho. Professor-Pesquisador da Universidade Federal de São Paulo e Pesquisador Visitante da Université de Montpellier III - Paul Valéry (CRISES - Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Sciences Humaines et Sociales). Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo, pós-doutor pela Université de Paris IV e pela Université de Montpellier III - Paul Valéry. Especialista em filosofia medieval e na recepção de formas filosóficas medievais no pensamento contemporâneo, especialmente na fenomenologia nascente (os Círculos de Munique e de Gotinga).

Dr. Barbara Sheldon is Head of Division for Strategic Planning at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and as such responsible for  the development and implementation of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative for supporting threatened scholars. She has worked in the field of research management for nearly twenty years, fifteen of them at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in various positions. Her responsibilities have included the development of a program for implementing “Welcome Centres for internationally mobile researchers” at universities in Germany, creating a German network of Welcome Centres and linking it to a European network of similar institutions (EURAXESS), as well as a program for promoting “research alumni relations”. Previously she worked as a fundraiser for the German Academic Exchange Service and as personal assistant to the President of the University of Heidelberg. Barbara holds a Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Erlangen, Germany.

Dr. Fernando Silva. Post-Doctoral fellow of the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. 

PhD in 2016, on Novalis’ early philosophical writings, namely the «Fichte-Studien». His chief concerns are: Kantian Aesthetics and Anthropology, German Idealism and German Romanticism, in authors such as Kant, Novalis, Fr. Schlegel or Hölderlin, having translated several of them.

Main publications: «A “Recensão a Aenesidemus” e a génese da Doutrina da Ciência de Fichte», in Kriterion, 2015; «“O primeiro beijo”: sobre a origem da filosofia nos Fichte-Studien de Novalis», in Trans/Form/Acao, 2016; Translation of Kant’s political writings, Escritos Políticos de Kant (1775-1795) – (to be published in 2017).

Prof. Dr. J. M. S. Simões-Pereira é engenheiro geógrafo e matemático e dedicou-se à investigação científica e ao ensino superior: é hoje professor jubilado da FCTUC. Natural de Coimbra, começou a carreira no Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência. Após o doutoramento, foi bolseiro da Fundação von Humboldt, nas universidades de Hamburgo e Técnica de Munique, e do Ministério da Ciência e da Investigação Austríaco, na Universidade Técnica de Viena. Fez provas de agregação na Universidade de Coimbra e emigrou para os EUA, tendo sido professor visitante na Western Michigan University e em seguida durante 11 anos na City University of New York, onde alcançou a posição de professor catedrático com provimento definitivo (tenured full professor). É autor de 5 livros técnicos e 1 de ensaios, editados em Portugal e no Brasil, e demais de meia centena de trabalhos de investigação publicados em revistas internacionais de grande prestígio e alto impacto. Na Literatura, com o pseudónimo Zé-Manel Polido, publicou vários livros de intervenção ond eexerce o seu ativismo, protestando contra o drama do pai divorciado, que ele afirma ser a última discriminação silenciada do Mundo Ocidental.

Prof. Dr. Susana Antas Videira é doutora em direito, especialidade de História do Direito e professora da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, com atribuição de regências nos cursos de doutoramento, mestrado e licenciatura e da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, também com atribuição de regências no curso de licenciatura e de doutoramento.

 É, ainda, investigadora do Centro de Investigação em Teoria e História do Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (THD-ULisboa), Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D) nas áreas científicas do Direito, Filosofia e História, bem como Vice-Presidente do Instituto de História e do Pensamento Político e membro da Rede Internacional de Investigadores em Direito e Justiça (RIIDJ).

Entre outras funções públicas de relevo, exerce, presentemente, as de Diretora-Geral da Política de Justiça, sendo, ainda, Membro da Delegação Portuguesa da Comissão Paritária da Concordata, celebrada entre o Estado Português e a Santa Sé em 18 de Maio de 2004, Membro Efectivo do Conselho Superior de Estatística, Membro Efectivo da Comissão Interministerial de Política Externa, em representação do Ministério da Justiça e Membro Efectivo da Comissão de Coordenação das Políticas de Prevenção e Combate ao Branqueamento de Capitais e ao Financiamento do Terrorismo, em representação do mesmo Ministério.

 É autora de mais de uma dezena de publicações nas áreas da História do Pensamento Jurídico, da Teoria e Filosofia do Direito e do Estado, da História do Direito, do Direito Civil e Processual Civil e do Direito da Educação. Neste último ramo, colaborou com o European Journal for Education Law and Policy (editor, Kluwer Law).  

Foi-lhe atribuído o prémio para excelência pelo Centre for Legal Studies (Áustria), que lhe concedeu o título de Membro Honorário.

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