October 11-13 / 9 AM-7 PM
Science, Politics, Arts
OCTOBER 11-13, 2017
9 AM-7 PM
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Room 5.2
Alameda da Universidade
1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
The relationship of the human being with the cosmos, from ancient times to the present, has developed in different ways: mythical and poetic, religious and philosophical, scientifical, political-juridical, ecological ... From the term cosmos derive several others such as cosmology, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitan citizenship, cosmopolitan law, cosmic consciousness...
Cosmopolitanism relates to the ethical ideal of belonging to a universal community, beyond any links to particular communities. Cosmopolitics corresponds to a concern with giving local politics a cosmopolitan dimension and to the desire to make sure global politics has a democratic dimension. Cosmopolitan law, on the other hand, considers the individual to be a subject of law regardless of which state it belongs to, as in the case of individual responsibility for international crimes and the right to an individual petition in human rights. The cosmos is the object of a scientific view as well as of the poetic gaze on the mysteries of the night (Chateaubriand, Novalis, Poe, Rilke), the comets (Whitman, Hugo), the king-sun (Valéry, Artaud, Tardieu, Prévert), the moon (Orpheus, Plutarch, La Fontaine, Yeats), and infinity (Lucretius, Schiller, Byron, Lamartine).
This colloquium intends to discuss the various perspectives on the cosmos and concepts derived from it.
Organization and contact /
Soraya Nour Sckell
Centro de Filosofia
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
Tel. dir: + 351 21 792 00 91 / Ext. 11635
Cel. +351 969 351 924
Fax: + 351 21 792 00 91 / E-mail: snckell@campus.ul.pt
Web: http://cful.letras.ulisboa.pt/
Secretariat during the colloquium: David Amaral